Friday, April 18, 2008

Attn: Socialtext - Test Before You Release

Well I was waiting for it and I got it. I get them daily so it really isn't much of a surprise. My first user complaint after upgrading to the latest version of Socialtext.

So in the latest version they made the breakthrough that you can resize an image directly from the page which would be a great feature if it actually worked. But they obviously didn't test the new feature well enough because now images get shrunk no matter what. Therefore if you have an image that you want to make larger it just doesn't work.

This is a real problem for us considering the absolutely lack of an ability to add a decent looking table to Socialtext. The workaround we came up with was to send tables into the system as .bmps. Well it looks like that is one workaround that won't work any longer.

Question of the day: How can you call yourself an enterprise solution when you can't display tables easily in your system? Now I admittedly haven't worked at that many companies but the ones that I have worked at use spreadsheets on a daily basis. Come on Socialtext, you are better then that. Or maybe not.

Not many people going to to cast their vote which is disappointing or maybe you all agree with me.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Over/Under on Socialtext 3.0 Coming Out In 90 Days

Anyone want to make a bet. Now I am not saying it is not a real possibility that Socialtext will deliver on Socialtext 3.0 in the timeframe that they say because it was once believed that the Earth was flat and that man would never fly, but if there was a market for this then I am going to take the over on this and bet the farm. They say 90 days but I mean whats the real likelihood of that happening. I would give them 180 days but I don't think that is generous enough and it will take more then four years I imagine to work all the bugs out. It is not like Socialtext hasn't made a breakthrough announcement before and not delivered. Anyone ever heard of a little thing that Socialtext referred to as Socialcalc. I remember all the hoopla surrounding that little gem of an announcement and I am afraid I will be old and grey before I figure out how to get a decent looking chart into our wiki. I mean of course you can throw it in as an image but have you ever tried getting images into the system.....I am surprised I am not old and grey just because of the time it takes me to do that.

Let me know what you think. Go to Ziitrend Prediction Market and place your bet.

Death To Socialtext

I didn't want to do it. The voices (or really lack there of from their "premium support" (<=laughable) department made me do it. Use Web 2.0 against them they said, and I unfortunately made the call. Broken promises, third and fourth chances, but now I say "no more" and "death to you Socialtext." May you enjoy your way to the darkpool or whatever they call that when start-ups go under.

You see I am a simple man. An end-user. I don't particularly care about your "revolutionary features" or "product roadmaps", I just want the damn thing to work. And that's the problem with you Socialtext, you just don't. Whether it be your flaws in tagging, archaic wisiwyg editor, terrible CSS coding, just to name a are a failure and now everyone needs to hear it.

I gag everytime I hear the words "Best in Breed" and your name together. Winner in Gartner's Magic Quadrant, well the Magic has "run out" for you my friend. "Leader in Enterprise Wikis?", if that is the case well I really, really, don't want to see who's second. You have been living a lie for months and now I will bring the truth to the light of day.

Thats the purpose of this blog, not to bash Socialtext because it hasn't been all bad (note: I will be doing plenty of that), but to warn others from making the same mistakes we made in purchasing Socialtext.

So that is it for now. Please continue to subscribe if you are thinking of heading down this road because you are headed for heartbreak if you do. I shall talk with you in the future and lay-out some of the horrific occurrences of our past and how we got to this point. If you have had similar experiences please comment or leave your own. I hope not to make this a smear campaign but more of a "Socialtext Wiki Support Group" for those who have been damaged by this dishonest manipulative force.